King James Only

King James Bible Only?

Discover why you should be reading and studying from the King James Bible only, because it’s the preserved Word of God from the Hebrew and Greek scriptures.

Why King James Bible Only

King James Bible Timeline

16 Bible Verses Removed From NIV

As a born-again saved sinner, God drew me towards the KJV. I started with NIV, ESV and NKJV, now read KJV. And I believe KJV is the preserved Word of God with His fingerprint, even using math equations and bible codes, that are not in the modern bibles. The origin of the Greek and Hebrew used is not the same for KJV vs. modern bibles.
I have read the entire NKJV, and own the NIV and ESV, so I can look up verses to compare.
KJV is based on the Textus Receptus, modern bibles are not.Here is a timeline of the Bible versions.

I am also not comfortable with NIV, ESV or ASV because they have removed verses that are very important, here are just a few:
Removing Acts 8:37 – Making it seem that water baptism gets you saved, not believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. That seems demonic to leave that verse out, even if it’s in footnotes, they intended for it to be removed including the verse number.
I have also studied to be an exorcist to cast out demons in Jesus name and for spiritual warfare, and KJV is what is used in study and required and it’s not recommend to use modern bibles at all for exorcism. I personally agree and use the KJV as it’s most powerful against our spiritual enemies, which I keep with me at all times, I would be very unconformable going into an exorcism or spiritual warfare with an ESV or modern bible, and not for reading, study or go to a church with a modern version.
And when evangelizing I only give KJV tracts, I won’t use any other version, as I am facing demons and spiritual warfare on the streets, and I will not be without my KJV, and will not go out with a modern version or give modern version of tracts to save the lost. I have handed out thousands of tracts and seen many demon manifestations.
And also I have watched brothers/sisters faith get shipwrecked when moving from KJV to modern bibles because they don’t read the bible anymore, they don’t pray always, they don’t go to church regularly, they forsake the assembly, they don’t attend bible study, they don’t evangelize, and they don’t have fruit for the Lord, they shipwreck their faith, and these new modern versions are helping do that designed by Lucifer, or as the ESV calls the devil, Day Star, what!?(Isaiah 14:12)

So these are some of the reasons why I choose KJV and believe it’s the true preserved Word of God, especially for these End Times.


I am am more than comfortable only using KJV for the rest of my life. I never go anywhere without a KJV bible, always with me. And If I was going to war, physical or spiritual and I would not go without a KJV bible on me.
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.(2 Timothy 2:15) KJV


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