As seen in the short video above, faith and evidence are not two opposing forces in the discovery of truth. Evidence leads to faith. That is what our website is about: Helping you get the evidence for Christianity that leads to the saving faith in the Risen Lord Jesus Christ.

When you have evidence from a number of different subjects, it all joins together to form a very strong argument for the truth of the Bible and Christianity. Just a glance over the evidence for Christianity on this site will show that it is not some fairly tale. Rather, it’s real history.

When compared to other beliefs people hold, such as reincarnation, atheism, pantheism (God is the universe), Christianity can be proven to be true with much more confidence. Can we prove that anyone has ever reincarnated? Nope. Can we prove that God does not exist? Nope. Can we prove that Islam is true? Nope, Allah is a deceiver (Qur’an 3:54)

But can we prove that Christianity is true? YES!

Jesus is the most written about person in history

Archaeology proves the Bible

Jesus’ death and resurrection has been verified in thousands of manuscripts

The evidence for Christianity truly is overwhelming.

God bless.